2/5 down 3/5 to go

Happy Belated New Year!

I survived the last three Holidays!  Thanksgiving (US), Christmas, and New Year’s!  I gained Bluetooth headphones and only five pounds.  Fortunately I lost nine pounds before all the crazy eating and drinking of all the calorie-rich food and drink.  That is a plus for me.

Do you have a bucket list?  I do.  And I don’t.  One of the things on this nonexistent bucket list was to make a quilt.  Well, I made two quilts but still need to make three more.  One for each of my grandchildren.  That lifetime goal was made when I was 35 years old.  I’m a lot older than that now but having a bucket list was also nonexistent way back then.

So here are my two quilts.  The first quilts I’ve ever made.  I learned a lot from this experience…meaning I’ve made mistakes.

I posted photos of this project in 2013 and now I have finally finished them.

Without further ado…


I used the stack and slash or whack technique with eight different fabrics plus a neutral ivory solid and a sprinkling of khaki.


I wanted the quilts to be a little bit longer so I added three rows of leftovers.


The backs…


The backs involved the first letter of each recipient plus some leftover fabrics to coordinate with the binding.


Close-ups of the backs.



My sewing machine does some lettering/monograming so I made machine stitched labels sewn to the lower right side on the quilt backs.  In case you wondered, I am “Nona”.


Straight line quilting, well, as straight as I could do it.

On the beds.



So two down, three to go.

15 thoughts on “2/5 down 3/5 to go

  1. Great job! They turned out so nice! So what are you working on now? A little knitting and little sewing….then reading to break it up. How is your sewing room coming?


  2. Pingback: Box Bags strike again | Knitting In Flashes

  3. These quilts are incredible! I am so glad I came to get caught up on your blog! That type of quilt just appeals to me visually so much. I love love love it! What a treasure!


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