Weathering the weather

Thank you for all your good wishes for my health.  I ended up going to the clinic and three hours later was diagnosed with bronchitis.  At least it wasn’t pneumonia…something that I’ve had more often than I care to admit.  With 48 hours of meds in my system I’m not 100% but getting better.  At least I want to knit now!

Winter Storm Stella didn’t dump as much snow to cripple our area…thankfully. We got about eight to ten inches of the white stuff. Enough to cause cancellations for many activities but not the end of the world amount. I have serious issues about the way the media hypes up every snowfall into a major, life-threatening disaster. They have cried wolf too many times for me to believe most of it. Now I did believe we were going to get some snow but I wasn’t going to stay glued to the TV for up to the minute blow-by-blow account of where it was. For the hour I spent in the waiting room at the clinic the only topic was Stella on the Weather Channel. I get the need to inform/warn people but not to cause panic.  And that’s what was happening. No news or weather about the rest of the country. It was all about Stella.  S-T-T-E-E-L-L-L-L-A-A-A   Makes the decision to not have TV so much easier.  We’ve been unplugged from that idiot box for several years and I don’t miss it at all.

It boils down to common sense.  If you live in an area that gets bad weather: tornadoes, hurricanes, snow storms, rain storms, floods, dust storms, droughts, then be aware.  Be prepared. Help your neighbors and community.

OK, rant over.

How are you feeling?  Did Stella come to visit you?

4 thoughts on “Weathering the weather

  1. We got the pre Stella, Midwest. Not a lot of snow, no need for panic. I do agree on the ridiculousness of the panic inducing newscasts. And the absolute woosiness of our nation nowadays. You live in an area prone to get snow, ice, tornadoes, hurricanes, yada, yada, and you are SHOCKED! when said weather happens? Or I should say, the Media and the supposed “climatologists”. Hope you are back to 100% soon!

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