Guest info

Do you have guests coming to your home during the Thanksgiving and/or Christmas holidays?

I do.  So I made up an information sheet with our WiFi password, home phone number, and address so if they need access to these things, they can find it quickly. In case of an emergency, the home phone number and street address is right there.

It fits in a 5 x 8 frame I got from the dollar store and sits on the nightstand in the guest bedroom.

Click WiFi-Phone-Address to print your own information.


9 thoughts on “Guest info

  1. I printed emergency numbers on a bright orange paper and framed them and put one by each phone for my kids when we moved again. Of course, none of my kids knew how to use something so ancient as a cordless landline phone. No touch screen or passwords. They were confused.

    Liked by 2 people

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